Street Art on Film // Volume 1.0

So it’s now a whole year since we’ve been ‘locked down’ due to the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic and by now pretty much everyone must be going bat-sh*t crazy. I know I am. It’s been a struggle keeping the mind busy and oneself occupied when the only things we’ve been ‘legally’ allowed to do are go outside for exercise, go to the supermarket and ultimately stay inside. There’s only so much Netflix you can watch…

Anyhow, I decided try be productive throughout this period and have done a few different things; I jumped on the running bandwagon and can now (almost) comfortably run 5K in under 30 mins. Which is good for my lazy arse. I went veggie for a few months (doing my bit for the environment and all that), I started learning Deutsch (hallo, wie geht es dir?!) und I also got back into film photography and setup a new website:

Then it got me thinking, maybe I should combine my new side-ting with this website and showcase some of my favourite street art film shots here. For some reason, film just makes everything 10x better and adds that something special to the exposure.

Armed with my sexy new 35mm SLR cameras I’ve had a few strolls around foggy LDN town and captured some of my favourite pieces of street art in this fine Stadt.

Got to love work by Stik – this piece is still there on Rivington St Shoreditch
SONY / MAN Graff down Silvertown, South London
One of my favourite murals in London. Irony and Boe in Poplar
A closer look at this incredible piece
Banksy’s ‘Phone Tap’ piece is still going strong. Also down in Poplar, South London
There is quite a bit of tagging around the work now. Though there’s no plexi protecting it either so I’m surprised at the preservation.
Another old favourite is this Brick Lane staple by ROA. Absolutely fantastic piece and looks cracking in B&W Film.
Elephants by artist Cernesto has been on the east end graff scene since 2013.

So that’s it for Street Art on Film Vol 1. Shooting on film has re-ignited my passion for street photography and it really makes you appreciate everything that surrounds you.

More to come from this and I can’t wait to get back out there.

For more film shots be sure to follow @downbytheriverphotography on IG!

Thanks for reading, keep safe and stay tuned for more!

Peace out X